

The recommended methods for installing coxeter are using pip or conda.

Installation via pip#

To install the package from PyPI, execute:

pip install coxeter --user

Installation via conda#

To install the package from conda, first add the conda-forge channel:

conda config --add channels conda-forge

After the conda-forge channel has been added, you can install coxeter by executing

conda install coxeter

Installation from source#

Start by executing the following:

git clone
cd coxeter

To install coxeter and other optional dependencies, choose one of the following:

pip install . # Install with no additional dependencies
pip install .[tests] # RECOMMENDED: Install with dependencies required to run pytests
pip install .[tests,doc] # Install all dependencies required to develop for coxeter


  • Python >= 3.8

  • NumPy >= 1.19.0

  • SciPy >= 1.0.0

  • rowan >= 1.2.0


The package is currently tested for Python >= 3.8 on Unix-like systems. Continuous integrated testing is performed using Github actions on these Python versions.

First, install the packages required to test coxeter (if not already done):

pip install -r tests/requirements.txt

To run the packaged unit tests, execute the following line from the root of the repository:


To run the packaged unit tests with the coverage module:

pytest --cov=coxeter

Building Documentation#

Documentation for coxeter is written in reStructuredText and compiled using Sphinx. To build the documentation, first install Sphinx and the other required packages:

pip install -r doc/requirements.txt
conda install -c conda-forge fresnel


The fresnel package on conda-forge must be used. The PyPI package fresnel is different and will not function properly.

You can then use Sphinx to create the actual documentation in either PDF or HTML form by running the following commands:

cd doc
make html # For html output
make latexpdf # For a LaTeX compiled PDF file
open build/html/index.html